Anuario Brasileiro do Cobre | Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2017

2017 Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 22 The challenge of maintaining quality S ince 1993, Qualifio - Brazilian Association for the Quality of Electrical Wires and Cables has been working for the safety and quality of electric conductors. A non-profit association does not measure efforts to be the reference in monitoring of conductors, wires and electric cables. The strategic work identifies certifies and manufacturers that operate irregularly. Qualifio notifies the nonconformities for the competent authorities, which contribute to avoid problems and even accidents. José Carlos Mendes Matuiama, president of Qualifio, highlights the initiatives of the association and the challenges faced by the sector. Crisis versus Quality – Civil construction was one of the most sector affected by the economic crisis. As result, in the last three years, there were an increment of cables and wire companies, which are working as nonconformity, even though being certified by Product Certification Organizations, accredited by INMETRO. In 2015, 232 samples were collected and tested; in 2016, 892 samples of which 55% were nonconformities over a period of two years. On the other hand, the number of certified manufacturers increased from 121 to 146. There are huge risks for consumers when purchase wires and cables which not comply with technical standards. In addition, energy losses caused by wires and cables overheating - because they have less copper - can provoke damage, such as fires. Always alert – Qualifio monitors the market by taking sample and submitting them to be tested in accredited laboratories. If results were ‘nonconformities’, manufacturer is denounced to INMETRO. Moreover, Qualifio always alert consumers to the risks of inappropriate productsthrough website, magazines and congresses.Qualifio plays a very important role in the copper chain. After the monitoring processes, manufacturers are notified having the opportunity to improve the quality of products, increase the use of copper and assuring the safety. Partnerships – Qualifio in partnership with Sindicel participate in some initiatives proposed by INMETRO in order to improve their competitiveness and to maintain the quality of products. This partnership should review regulations to minimize the abuse of some wires and electric cables manufacturers that use certification to demage the consumer. Safety should always be our priority. I believe that Qualifio and ABCOBRE have important role in raising awareness and alerting consumers and professionals (installers, builders, government and general public) about the consequences of using products that do not comply with current standards. It is extremely important to take advantage of all kind communication channels (print and electronic media, workshop in schools, among others) to widespread the information. Eye on safety. Qualifio monitors and evaluates the quality of wires and cables used by millions of people daily. QUALIDADE QUALITY