Anuario Brasileiro do Cobre | Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2017

2017 Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 26 Copper at the core of driving world sustainable energy A s the global community continues to realize the very real and dire consequences of climate change, more and more people are realizing that we as individuals need to make positive changes to mitigate this threat. Reducing carbon dioxide emissions has become an important mission as a societal goal for many individuals across the world who are taking action in their respective spheres of influence. Those of us at copper industry believe that it is equally important for industries to take responsibility for how we contribute to climate change considering how we consume energy, how its impacts the environment and how we can improve it. Some may wonder why the copper industry has taken on such a strong role in the fight against climate change. The answer is much simple: we are part of the solution. We are intrinsic tied to the climate change battle. Copper’s natural properties of high conductivity, recyclability and durability make it the material of choice for efficient energy production. Copper’s advantages over other materials as greater capacity for conducting electricity, corrosion resistance and greater flexibility and reliability in connections are some characteristics of the metal to bring sustainable benefits that contribute to reduce CO 2 emissions. The metal is essential to: powering electricity generation through wind turbines or solar panels; transmitting and distributing electricity to consumers with minimum losses; ensuring its efficient use in electric vehicles and energy storage systems, to name a few. Using one additional kilogram of copper in an appliance (e.g., a generator, transformer or motor) can reduce energy-related greenhouse gas emissions over its lifetime by 100 to 7,500 kilograms, depending on the application, generating energy savings about 26 to 2,600 dollars. At the end, we really hope that policymakers, stakeholders and industry representatives alike continue to join us to develop and implement practical technical solutions that support economic growth and the responsible energy consumption. Sustainable Energy - Today copper uses is more relevant than ever as we move toward a low- carbon economy. The energy systems of the future require copper. It has the highest thermal and electrical conductivity. It reduces electrical energy and heat transfer losses and improves energy efficiency. As a result, it can reduce lifetime operating costs. Products containing copper tend to operate more efficiently and reliably. The copper industry has long been at the forefront of implementing low-carbon energy solutions: climate action: Power systems utilizing copper generate, transmit and use energy with high efficiency and reliability, thus reducing greenhouse gas emissions and optimising life-cycle costs. Copper plays a key role in at least 10 green technologies, which together can each reduce greenhouse gas emissions by over 100 million tonnes of CO 2 per year; energy efficiency: As copper is the most efficient conductor available, having more copper in electrical equipment helps it run cooler, saving energy and money; renewable energy : Copper plays an important role in all renewable solutions, such as solar, wind, tidal, hydro, biomass, and geothermal. Adding 1 kg of copper to electrical thermal systems saves between 100 and 7,500 kgs of CO 2 emissions to environment. Copper’s characteristics make the metal the best choice for energy efficient production MEIO AMBIENTE ENVIRONMENT