Anuario ABLA - 2013

47 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2013 DENATRAN The Brazilian Traffic Code (CTB), Law no. 9,503, of September 23, 1997, stipulates that the National Traffic Department (DENATRAN) is the highest executive body on traffic in Brazil, having to comply with and enforce traffic laws. Among other duties, DENATRAN supervises, promotes and develops programs, projects, and efforts related to education. DENATRAN has been undertaking efforts to fully practice the determinations instituted by the CTB, as this legislation includes noble principles related to the preservation of life and the exercise of the right to safe passage. However, the law is an external regulator of human behavior, indispensable to society and, in order for it to be consciously respected, internal change is required in the individuals that make up society, this change being caused especially through education. Discipline and punishment are not enough to change attitudes. It is, therefore, DENATRAN’s duty to run educational activities that broaden the conceptual view of traffic, consolidating new behavior. Importantly, DENATRAN’s purpose with regard to Traffic Education is not to train future motorists but rather citizens who are aware of their role in human transit. When it comes to traffic education in schools or the community at large, however, very important aspects must be considered, especially those committed to lasting action. It is essential to believe that any educational effort as regards traffic - which aims to teach values - should be permanent. Hence, the efforts must be planned, scheduled, and run throughout the year. Each year, worldwide, traffic accidents kill more than a million people, injuring between 20 and 50 million. Young people account for the majority of victims, who will often suffer the consequences for the rest of their lives. Besides Education to strengthen citizenship de motocicletas. Também se pretende avaliar toda a gama de produtos disponíveis em nível nacional e internacional. O Projeto de Capacitação do DENATRAN já capacitou 28.838 profissionais do Sistema Nacional de Trânsito no período de 2000 a 2011. O DENATRAN está atento a todo o sistema de formação dos condutores. No momento, uma grande preocupação do governo federal são os gastos com saúde publica relativos a acidentalidade de trânsito. Um dos projetos de destaque em Educação para Cidadania no Trânsito é o Prêmio Denatran, que em 13 edições já recebeu 300 mil trabalhos. Tratando de ações futuras, o DENATRAN está em tratativas para a realização do Workshop Brasil-Inglaterra, no qual haverá a apresentação das melhores práticas quanto à segurança e à educação no trânsito. Deste modo, evidencia-se o importante trabalho realizado pelo DENATRAN quanto à Educação de Trânsito. As inúmeras ações e os projetos educacionais desenvolvidos são essenciais para que se alcance um trânsito mais seguro e com mais cidadania no Brasil.