Anuario ABLA - 2014

19 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 Associate-centered structure Throughwork teams inSãoPaulo (SP), inBrasília (DF) and the Regional Directors in each state of Brazil, ABLA provides a range of services related to its associates, and establishes key partnerships with suppliers to ensure special conditions for goods and services related to the sector. Associates find at ABLA the best suppliers of armor plating, tires, tracking and vehicle recovery systems, fleet signage, 24-hour assistance, software, insurance, and accessories, in addition to partnershipswith automakers and importers for fleet renewal. At itsheadquarters inSãoPaulo (SP) andoffice inBrasilia (DF), ABLA also provides offices for associates that can be booked formeetings. At no cost, through ABLA, associates can also get documents required to take parts in bids and to challenge fines, and technical qualification certificates. It also provides legal advice on tax and tax planning for the collective affairs of the sector. The team in Brasilia (DF) monitors all the bills of law ands regulations imposed by government institutions involving the sector. Fiscal, tax and traffic issues, alongwith civil liability, among others, are monitored very closely by ABLA, which is represented in all the spheres of economic activity in the country. The team in São Paulo (SP) provides direct services for associates on key issues for their day-to-day business. ABLA advises vehicle rental and leasing companies on the recovery of stolen vehicles, answers questions about traffic lawsand tax legislationandabout themainoperational issues (such as charges, traffic violations, getting vehicles back, accidents, maintenance and asset freezing). It also offers advice on the prevention of fraud (embezzlement, false driving licenses, cloned credit cards, and so on). Inaddition to telephone services, ABLAalsousese-mail, its ownwebsite ( and Facebook. It is through this structure, which also includes training courses conducted regionally, such as the ‘Fair Price,’ that it has contributed decisively to the development of the rental and leasing business, and to the professional standards in the sector, making it a highly visible to government institutions, public and private companies and consumers. This is theway forward. KarlaNunes (AssessoriaParlamentar eGovernamental/ Parliamentary andGovernmental Affairs) ePaulaCamilla (AdministrativoeComercial/AdministrativeandCommercial) fiscal e sobre as principais questões operacionais (tais como cobranças, infrações de trânsito, devolução de veículos, sinistros, desmobilizações de ativos e manutenção). Há também orientações sobre a prevenção às fraudes (estelionatos, CNHs falsas, cartões de crédito clonados...). Além do atendimento direto por telefone, no caminho dos mais modernos instrumentos de comunicação, as equipes de trabalho da ABLA também respondem a todas as dúvidas que chegam à associação por e-mail, Portal ABLA ( e também via Facebook. É a partir desta estrutura, que conta ainda com os cursos de capacitação realizados regionalmente, como o Preço Justo ABLA, que a associação vem contribuindo decisivamente para o desenvolvimento das locadoras associadas e para a profissionalização dosetor, levando-oa ter grandevisibilidadepor parte de instituiçõesgovernamentais, empresaspúblicase privadasepúblicoconsumidor.Esseéocaminho.