Anuario ABLA - 2014

25 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 O setor de locação semanteve como o principal cliente dasmontadoras, responsável por absorver 8,35% do total de automóveis eutilitários leves noPaís. A Fiatmanteve a liderança entre as locadoras de automóveis, seguida pela Volkswagen, GeneralMotors, Renault, Ford e Toyota. Foi o terceiro ano consecutivode liderança da Fiat. The rental and leasing sector has remained automakers’ main client, responsible for buying 8.35% of all the cars and light trucks inBrazil. Fiatmaintained its leadership among car rental and leasing companies, followed by Volkswagen, GeneralMotors, Renault, Ford and Toyota. Itwas the third consecutive year of leadership from Fiat. Principal clientedasmontadoras The automaker’s leading client Em 2013 a participação nas vendas foi de In 2013 the share in saleswas Fiat 26,85% Volkswagen 21,27% General Motors 14,41% Renault 9,43% Ford 7,42% Toyota 1,38% Outros Others 19,24% ESTATÍSTICA Participaçãonas vendas do setor automobilístico Share in sales for the automotive sector 11,09% 8,22% 11,4% 9,02% 9,40% 8,70% 7,85% 8,35% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 8,35% 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 Fiat 30,7% 28,7% 29,48% 27,32% 27,91% 29,67% 31,08% 26,85% Volkswagen 30,7% 31,1% 30,91% 29,52% 29,53% 27,19% 24,39% 21,27% GM 30,1% 32,8% 29,61% 23,74% 24,54% 18,95% 18,20% 14,41% Renault - - 1,83% 3,54% 2,49% 5,75% 5,79% 9,43% Ford - - - 3,92% 2,49% 3,91% 6,32% 7,42% Toyota 2,9% 2,7% 1,16% 1,03% <1% 1,43% <1% 1,38% Outros 5,6% 4,7% 7,01% 10,93% 13,05% 13,10% 14,22% 19,24%