Anuario ABLA - 2014

59 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 SEST Senat’s work has been going every year. And this strengthens the transport business, which is so important to the development of our country. In two decades in business, the institutionhasanswerednearly100million requests in the areas of social advancement and professional development. In 2013 alone, we answered almost 8.5 million requests, up by 4.6% on 2012. Last year, the number of people trained in the area of professional development reached 1.5 million. In the area of social promotion, 6.9 million people have been served in clinics and during physical activities, social, cultural and recreational activities. To ensure that workers in transport can develop the professional skills required on the market, SEST Senat offers classroom and distance learning courses; training, qualification,refreshercoursesand improvementopportunities (initial and continuing education); technical training courses formid-level professionals, and talksonvocational education. In 2013, 591,079 people registered for classroom courses and 34,633did distance-learning courses. The campaigns, talks and seminarswere attended by 930,257 people. Within its social promotion program, over 1.11 million peoplewere served in thehealthcarearea. Besides dentistry, physiotherapy and psychology, in 2013 nutritional care was added in the A, B and C-type units (which provide greater infrastructure in clinics and classrooms). The focus of the healthcare services is to improve the quality of life for workers. Thesessionsaredesigndot solve themainproblems that these professionals facewhileworking. Inotheractionsdevelopedwithin thesocialdevelopment program, the results in2013werealsoverypositive. Last year, 844,802peoplewere seen inhealtheducationand4,954,986 were involved in sporting, leisure, and cultural and social activities. /0}SESTSenatoffer this typeofassistancebecause it believes it results in better performance byworkers. All these resultsconsolidate thecommitmentSESTSenat has had since its inception: to provide a better quality of life forworkers in the transport sector, and their dependents. The figures confirm that SEST Senat is aware of its responsibility, guided by efficiency of the services rendered to society. And for 2014, SEST Senat expects continuity in its programs and an increased in thenumber of peopleattendedat itsunits. Promotingquality of life For other information, pleasecall 0800 7282891 To learnmoreabout theworkdoneby SESTSenat acrossBrazil