Anuario ABLA - 2014

79 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 MTur Brazil’s tourismsector isgoing throughaspecialmoment and car rental companieshave contributed significantly to the growth of the sector. The growth of the area is a result of the country`s better structure to handle business tourism, as well as a cultural change among Brazilians themselves. For this population, there has been a gradual increase in both direct rental of vehicles by Brazilians, and the fleets leased by companies in different states. The tourism sector alone is responsible for anannual increaseofmore than200,000 cars to the rental fleet, accounting for 45% of the total. This trend shows that rental companies are among chief drivers of tourism revenues in 2012, with an increase of 92% on the previous year. The data are from the 9thAnnual Survey of the Economic Situation of Tourism, by theMinistry of Tourism in partnershipwith FundaçãoGetúlioVargas. The survey portrays the 80 largest companies or groups in the tourism sector in the country, which together grossed r$ 57.6 billion in 2012, an increase of 13.1% on 2011.They employed 112,000 people, with events organizers of events (16.2%), car rental companies (10.6%) and travel agencies (10.5%) being the three biggest creators of jobs. Vehicle rental: a segment that grows alongside tourism Ministério do Turismo investiu cerca de R$ 11 bilhõesemobrasde infraestruturadesdeacriaçãoda pasta,emmaisdequatromilmunicípiosbrasileiros. As locadoras, portanto, compõem uma importante parcela do turismo, que representa no país 3,7% do Produto Interno Bruto (PIB) e coloca o Brasil nasextaposiçãoentreasmaioreseconomias turísticas doplaneta. Estima-seque cerca de3milhõesdeempregosnoBrasil estão ligadosaosetor. Em 2013, a estimativa é que o faturamento das locadoras tenha aumentado 14,8% e os investimentos tenham crescido 34,2% em relação a 2012, uma tendência que deve continuar neste ano. Tais dados reforçam o olhar estratégico que deve ser dado ao setor e anecessidadede inserirmos o turismo na agenda econômica do país. The segment is further strengthened by the movement generatedby theproximityofmega-events, the intensification ofstrategies tocapturecustomers,andhe increasingbusiness in travel driven by greater purchasing power of a significant portion of the population. Added to which is the public and private investment in infrastructure in the country, such as highways. In tourism infrastructure, the Tourism Ministry alone has invested about R$ 11 billion in infrastructure since its creation, inmore than 4,000Brazilianmunicipalities. Rental companies, therefore, are an important part of tourism in the country, which accounts for 3.7% of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) and ranks Brazil sixth among the largest tourist economies on the planet. It is estimated that about 3million jobs inBrazil are linked to the sector. In 2013, it is estimated that sales for rental companies increased by 14.8% and investments were up by 34.2% on 2012, a trend that should continue this year. These data reinforce the strategic way in which the sector should be seen and the need to get tourism included on the country’s economic agenda.