Anuario ABLA - 2014

81 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 It is of paramount importance to have more partnerships like this with ABLA, as it contributes toongoingand long-termwork.And this attitude also reveals the true commitment ABLAhas to theGreen Initiativeand itsconcern for theeffectsof climatechange. We hoe that companies and other business entities like ABLA will be made aware of the challenges now being faced and will make every effort to adopt new production processes that cause less of an environmental impact andalso seek tooffset the emissions caused by their activities. We at theGreen Initiative hope that our partnership with ABLA will be even more fruitful in 2014 so that wewill soon together reach over 1,000 trees planted. About theGreen Initiative The Green Initiative is a Civil Society Organizationof Public Interest (OSCIP)whose mission is to contribute to the building of a newerabasedona low-carboneconomyand reducing the environmental impacts caused by human activities. The institution believes in the search for new alternatives for development and offers a range of services related to combating climate change, environmental restoration, biodiversity conservation and forest restoration projects. Lucas Pereira, Director of Iniciativa Verde program and in charge of theCarbon Free seal The role of private initiative in combating climate change The need for decisive and permanent commitment from companies to face the disturbing consequences that climate change is already havingon the planet iswell known. The recent report released by the IPCC, the UN body responsible for analysis of climate change, found that, indeed, thehuman contribution toglobalwarming isa reality. As we know, the transformative power that the private sector canhave isof fundamental importance.Whether large corporations or small and medium enterprises, they must do everything in their power to contribute to combating this difficult scenario that affects us allwithout exception. Since2009ABLAhassoughttooffset itsgreenhousegasses causedbyeventsorganizedby it andalso in itspublications. In total, 930 trees have been planted. Three editions of the National Vehicle Rental and Leasing Show (a biennial event) organized byABLA, six yearbooks and several editions of themagazine published by the association have had their emissions offset, in a contribution to combat global warming and climate change. All the tree species planted by the Green Initiative are native to the Atlantic Forest and, besides the absorption of carbon dioxide, the main gas responsible for global warming, the planting was done in watershed areas to protect rivers andwater sources that supply cities. Thework is done in conjunction with farmers and landowners in the regions chosen for reforestation. This was an important social effort, also, to help people stay in the countryside. Desde 2009aABLAcompensaas emissõesdosgasesdeefeitoestufa emparceriacoma IniciativaVerde ABLAhasoffset itsgreenhouse gasemissions inpartnershipwith IniciativaVerde since 2009