Anuario ABLA - 2014

89 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 2013 ended by pointing to new challenges for 2014. We had a stable year, slightly down for cars and light trucks, but withexcellent results for trucks, buses, tractorsandagricultural machinery. For themotorbike segment, therewas an expected fall asa result of credit problems. For 2014, our challengesare renewed,with some volatility caused by holidays, such as Carnival inMarch, the FIFAWorld Cup, and election in the second half of the year. These are important for Brazilians, but they impact vehicle sales across the country. Inaddition,we faceaperiodof car priceadjustments,with theresumptionexcisetaxratesandthe inclusionofsafety items, such as airbags andABS, which impact final consumer prices. Wealso faceeconomic instability,withGDPgrowth forecast to be below 2%, and an index of production and investment that is less than ideal. The scenario isdifficult topredict and Fenabravehasbeen making forecasts for an uncertain future. On the one side, we might repeat the results of 2013, with some falls, and on the other, less favorable scenario,wemay suffermorepronounced declines inmost automotive segments, with some exceptions such as trucks, buses, tractors and agricultural machinery, that had been supported by PSI, and are now simplified to the first two sectors. Stronger together Há alguns anos, temos estabelecido uma agenda positiva junto à ABLA, por considerarmos o setor de locação de veículos um aliado e não um concorrente. Se temosalgumaarestaaaparar, isso temsido discutido com respeitoe valorizaçãomútuos, pois parceiros, de fato, reconhecem o valor de cada um, assim como preservam a essência de cada negócio representado. A Fenabrave considera o setor de locação de veículos um parceiro importante dentro de nosso mercado, pois representa, efetivamente, umoutro canal de negócios para as concessionárias, uma vez respeitada a atividade-fim de cada parte. Ou seja, as concessionárias na comercialização de veículos e as locadoras na compra de veículos para sua locação aomercado. Estamos certos de que essa união de princípios e a efetiva parceria lastreada por esses conceitos, podem e devem favorecer os resultados de todos nesse desafiador ano de 2014. Somos aliados na conquista do mercado. Devemos ser parceiros para que possamos ser melhores e mais fortes também. Assim, devemos caminhar juntos para que possamos somar nossas expertises e fazer com que as respostas do mercado possam concretizar resultados positivos para este e para os próximos anos. Given the above, more than everwemust join forces and strengthenpartnerships to tackleanymacroeconomicscenario ahead. For this reason, the vehicle distribution sector believes rental should joinus, adding value to theautomotive chain. Ina fewyearswehaveestablishedapositiveagendawith ABLA, byconsidering thevehicle rental sector tobeanally, not a competitor. If we have some loose ends to tie up, they have been discussed with mutual respect and appreciation, as partners recognize each one’s value, and preserve the essence of each business represented. Fenabrave considers the rental sector to be an important partner in our market, as it is effectively another channel of business for dealers, as long as each business is respected. That is to say, dealers in the selling of vehicles, and rental companies in thepurchaseof vehicles for theirmarket. We are certain that this union of principles and the effectivepartnershipbackedby theseconceptscanandshould help the results for everyone in this challenging year. We are allies in conquering the market. We must be partners so we can be better and stronger, too. So, we shouldwork together and pool our expertise, making sure the responses by the market change achieve positive results for thisand coming years.