Anuario ABLA - 2015

71 facilitar o diálogo entre todos nós, para que as mensagens cheguem aos interlocutores da forma desejada e deixando bem claros os benefícios que farão com que cada negociação tenha sucesso e chegue aos melhores termos. Entendo que sucesso é a soma de todos os pequenos esforços repetidos todos os dias. Este é um mantra sob o qual trabalho. Particularmente, me encontro muito motivado a ajudar a ABLA a desenvolver esse novo trabalho, com a seriedade e o profissionalismo necessários para que os nossos associados percebam o valor da associação de uma forma muito intensa. A ABLA vai muito além do puro e simples relacionamento com montadoras e instituições financeiras e é importante que os associados sintam isso no dia a dia. Já pelo lado dos fornecedores e parceiros, que eles possam notar na prática que a ABLA não é somente uma entidade com excelente potencial: entregamos ótimos resultados para aqueles que oferecem vantagens efetivas ao setor, através de produtos e serviços de qualidade. Juntos, vamos provar que é possivel sim desenvolver modelos de negócios nos quais todos podem (e devem) sair ganhando. We have various and challenging goals for 2015, in different areas. Regarding its members, ABLA will seek out partnerships that will provide new and better benefits, as well as solutions and suggestions that can help them improve their revenue and reduce costs. Fundamentally, this is the basis of the strategy we have adopted at the new business department at ABLA. We understand that the role of a commercial director, especially at an association with the size, reputation and standing that ABLA has, is to be a facilitator, in the literal sense of the word. This is about setting up a broader operation, but focused on our members. And that is why I have listened to, and will need to listen to more, members whose experience has been a great help for me to understand the nuances of this segment. Based on this macro strategy, we have also learned from our partners how ABLA can facilitate the visibility of the benefits of the products and services provided to our members. Through this understanding we will create a comprehension of the products and services and we will be able to collaborate on the development of this sector, which today is one of the most important in Brazil’s production economy. This is why we consider it essential to give interested parties the opportunity to understand the true role of ABLA and also its real importance. In any business you must first understand the current needs of the sector in depth, so you can then create and execute the most appropriate proposals. This is what we are doing, so that, in the short term, we can make lasting, profitable, quality partnerships that create solutions for our members. The appointment of a commercial director is aligned with these goals, as it allows the association to be at the disposal of those who really want to know us well, in depth and with a view to long-term goals. As a facilitator of new business, the commercial director at ABLA is also in close contact with members, suppliers and partners, as well as with all the internal stakeholders (our directors, regional directors and employees, who are also fully committed to the aims of the organization). In practice, we are all looking for new solutions to the challenges and problems in the sector. In this regard, communication between the various stakeholders involved is critical. We shall place a high value on dialogue so that messages reach their targets as desired, clarifying the benefits that will make each negotiation a success, in the best terms. I understand that success is a result of all the small efforts made every day. This is a mantra by which I work. I am highly motivated to help ABLA in this new work, with the professionalism necessary for our members to have an intense appreciation of the association’s value. ABLA goes far beyond pure and simple relationship with automakers and financial institutions, and it is important that members understand feel this on a daily basis. On the suppliers and partners’ side, what they have noticed in practice is that ABLA is not just an entity with great potential: we get great results for those that offer effective benefits to the sector, through quality products and services. Together, we will prove that it is indeed possible to develop business models in which everyone can (and must) come out winning. Facilitating business Jorge Pontual Diretor comercial da ABLA. Commercial director at ABLA.