Anuario ABLA - 2015

95 A metodologia adotada no programa está baseada na construção de componentes curriculares que contemplem as exigências dos perfis profissionais previstos em cada curso, considerando os problemas, as demandas e as perspectivas atuais da sociedade, do mercado de trabalho e da legislação vigente. O catálogo de cursos do Sest/Senat abrange mais de 300 conteúdos voltados para as diferentes áreas que envolvem a atividade transportadora. Eles estão disponíveis tanto para trabalhadores em transporte quanto para a comunidade, sendo gratuitos para os trabalhadores em transporte que comprovem a atuação no setor. A carga horária varia de acordo com o conteúdo programático de cada curso e os alunos recebem o certificado de conclusão quando aprovados. Pessoas interessadas em informações sobre os cursos podem procurar uma das 149 unidades do Sest/Senat em funcionamento em todo o país ou acessar o site da instituição ( Segundo a instituição, “a relação com a ABLA, assim como com as demais instituições representativas do setor, é fundamental para a melhor compreensão das necessidades de cada um dos públicos e para o atendimento às reais necessidades de capacitação profissional desses trabalhadores”. ABLA is developing a partnership with the Social Transport Service (SEST) and the National Transport Training Service (SENAT) to expanding its training courses for members. The Regional Director in São Paulo, Carlos Faustino, given his experience intraining, has represented ABLA at meetings on the subject in Brasília. ABLA has had full access to the General Catalog of Courses at SEST / SENAT, from which those that suit the car rental / leasing activity have been pre-selected. There are on-site and remote courses, which will help more professionals and businesspeople attend. The care that ABLA is taking in this project can be measured, for example, by the inclusion of courses related to heavy vehicles. In the North and Northeast this type of lease is a growing business, and ABLA considers it important to train professionals and businesspeople in this niche. In 2015, the courses will be assessed by the Management Board, so that ABLA may request a position from SEST / SENAT in relation to the costs involved. After approval, ABLA will look for sponsorship and it plans to roll out a pilot project with at least two new courses every year. The Professional Development work at SEST / SENAT involves the Professional Education Program, which provides initial training, ongoing training and mid-level technical training. The road to qualification | “The program is based on projects and educational activities that make the most of the real interests of individuals, the needs of businesses, growth and productivity in the transport sector, considering current issues, such as the reorganization of society, the economy, the workplace and technological advances,” says SEST / SENAT. The projects and activities under the Professional Education Program are developed through the provision of professional training, recycling and improvement course (called initial and continuing education courses), as well as mid-level technical training courses and talks on professional education. The methodology adopted in the Program is based on the construction of curriculum components that address the needs of professional profiles on each course, considering the problems, demands and current perspectives of society, the labor market and the applicable law. The SEST / SENAT course catalog covers over 300 items designed for different areas, involving the transport business. They are available for both transport workers and the community, being free for transport workers who prove they work in the industry. The workload varies according to the syllabus of each course and students receive a certificate of completion when approved. People interested in the courses can contact one of the 149 SEST / SENAT units across the country, or go to According to the SEST / SENAT, “The relationship with ABLA, as well as with other institutions representing the sector, is essential to better understand the needs of each of the audiences and to meet the real professional training needs of these workers.” Furthering understanding ABLA and SEST / SENAT are readying a partnership to provide on-site and remote course for rental / leasing professionals