Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2018

101 2018 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook A survey carried out last year by the National Transport Confederation (CNT) and the National Association of Urban Transport Companies (NTU) showed that between 2006 and 2017 there was a 10.2% increase in individual transport in Brazil. The survey - “Evaluation of Urban Mobility in Brazil - also revealed that individual transport is the most common form (50.2%) used by Brazilians. And that is not all: motor vehicles account for 77.2% of trips made in the country. Among interviewees, 59% said that they travel every weekday .The survey also showed that more than 70% of the Brazilian population has a high level of mobility and frequently uses means of transport to access and carry out activities. Compared with data from 2006, the diagnosis showed signs of significant changes, mainly in non- motorised transport today - only 7.8% of trips in Brazil are made on foot and / or by bicycle. The major problem is still the quality of Brazil’s streets and highways. Bruno Batista, Chief Executive of the CNT, reinforces this thesis with other numbers from the confederation: of a total of 105,000 kilometers of roads evaluated (65,000 federal and the rest distributed among the main states), 61.8% were last year classified as regular, bad or poor. Another worrying point pointed out by Batista is the fact that of the total of 1.7 million kilometers of roads in the country, only 12% are paved.And of the roads that are operated under a concession, a lot have deteriorated “due to a lack of investment that, in some cases, went as far as returning stretches to the government.” It is worth remembering that a National Policy on Urban Mobility was established by law (number 12,587), on January 3, 2012.The legal text establishes the objectives that must be followed by federative entities so that urban development occurs in alignment with the needs of urban mobility.   Motor vehicles account for 77.2% of the trips made in Brazil por Batista é o fato de que, do total de 1,7 milhão de quilômetros de rodovias existentes no território nacional, apenas 12% são pavimentados. E, das rodovias que operam em regime de concessão, muitas também apresentaram piora na qualidade, “fruto da falta de investimento que, em alguns ca- sos, chegou ao extremo de devolução de trechos ao governo”. Vale lembrar que uma “Política Nacional de Mobilidade Urbana” foi instituída por lei (número 12.587, de 03 de janeiro de 2012). O texto legal estabeleceu os objetivos que devem ser seguidos pelos entes federativos para que o desenvolvi- mento urbano ocorra em alinhamento com as ne- cessidades de mobilidade urbana.  Bruno Batista Diretor Executivo da Confederação Nacional do Transporte (CNT) Chief Executive of the National Transport Confederation (CNT) Road conditions are important for the rental market © Divulgação CNT