Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2019

13 2019 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook Paulo Gaba Jr. Presidente da FENALOC e vice-presidente da CNT President of FENALOC and vice-president of CNT Rental cars on the moon têm disposição para as mudanças. Somos um povo jovem, com milhões de usuários de internet abertos à inovação. A gente se adapta rápido. Nesta terra adubada, as sementes brotam e os brasileiros colherão os frutos da modernidade antes mesmo que muitos outros povos. Quem achou que as ruas teriam cada vez mais veículos e que seria impossível trafegar, esqueceu-se de que, com a tecnologia, sabemos o melhor caminho a percorrer, com menos tráfego e maximizando o nosso mais precioso re- curso, que é o tempo! Isso sem falar que a tendência é de diminuição de acidentes, com “veículos inteligentes”, sen- sores, drones e etc. Hoje, até apartamentos não precisam mais de tantas garagens, até porque a nova geração está mais preocupa- da em chegar aos seus destinos, não importando o modal escolhido ou compartilhado. Reinventando o setor de alu- guel de veículos e abertos a todas as possibilidades, dei- xamos a imaginação voar para novos mercados. Lembro que nosso segmento foi o primeiro a “compartilhar” e que, para manter essa posição de vanguarda, o setor depende de nossa criatividade. Quem foi mesmo que disse que a gente não pode ex- pandir os negócios até a Lua? Quem viver verá!  Divulgação ABLA T he buzzword now is mobility. There has never been so much talk about moving people and things around, and I believe this is the big shift of the decade. Years ago I said that we would soon be renting propel- ler jackets, and I am sure we are not far from that. Have you thought about life without WhatsApp? And who would have imagined , in 2010, that we would order a car by phone, or that the purchases would be made online and delivered to our homes? If anyone did imagine it, they certainly didn’t think deliveries would be made by drone (as has been tested in the UK). Reality is incredible but, more incredibly, we are no longer amazed by it. Self-driving vehicles will soon be arriving at our doors. If anyone still thinks this is the distant future, they had better think again. The Singularity University and Stanford Universi- ty, innovation hubs, have laboratories that are allowed to give free rein to dreams. It was that the transport applications of today were first thought of. So, we are looking for alternatives in our own business, exploring the existing customer base. More than just creative, Brazilians are happy to change. We are a young people, with millions of in- ternet users open to innovation. We adapt fast. In this fertile land, seeds sprout, and Brazilians will reap the fruits of modernity before many others. Those who thought that the streets would be clogged with too many vehicles and that it would be impossible to drive forgot that technology offers us the best routes, with less traffic, maximizing our most precious resource: time. Not to mention that the trend is a reduction in acci- dents, with “smart vehicles,” sensors, drones and so on. Today, even apartments no longer need so many garage spaces, as people are more concerned about reaching their destinations and less so about how. Reinventing the vehicle rental sector, being open to every possibility, we can let our imaginations soar to new markets. I remember that our segment was the first to share and that to maintain this leading position, the sector depends on our creativity. Who says we cannot expand our business to the moon? We will see!  To maintain this leading position, the sector depends on our creativity