Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2020

129 2020 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook Call to raise capital for rental companies W hat once seemed unlikely – especially for medium- sized businesses – is beginning to be seen as a way to raise funds from the market. From electrical appliance to clothing brands, through tourism, construction and car rental companies, going public is an option in management strategy. This involves looking for shareholders who trust in the potential of the business. Investors have responded positively by migrating part of their investments to variable income shares. According to B3, one of the world’s largest stock exchanges in financial market infrastructure, the number of individuals investing in such assets has grown significantly. In 2018 there were no more than 600,000 investors, and last year this t exceeded the one million mark. For 2020, over 1.8 million people have been interested in investing via shares. Market analysts says this is not only related to investors’ desire to diversify, but also to members of a new generation who have less aversion to risky assets. According to Rogério Santana, Director of Customer Relations at B3, “The scenario has changed in the last two years and Brazilian investors have looked for assets that allow an increase in the profitability of their applications. B3 operates, among other fronts, in the creation and administration of trading systems, clearing, settlement, deposit and registration for all main asset classes.” Santana also points out that the stock market is not only invested in by individual investors, but also by foreigners and institutional investors. These funds have already consolidated long-term visions for returns on investments and have strict criteria in the analysis of companies. On the multiplicity of companies that populate the stock market, the director of B3 says, “It is healthy to have several sectors represented on the stock exchange, which opens the range of options within the reach of investors and allows better distribution in portfolio composition.” Rogério Santana concludes by stressing the importance of education and the use of tools, which support the best decision-making, especially for new investors.   Going public is an alternative to finance growth não apenas ao desejo do investidor em diversificar as formas de aumentar o seu capital, como também a integrantes de uma nova geração que têm simpatia maior pelos ativos de risco. Segundo Rogério Santana, diretor de Relacionamento com Clientes da B3, “o cenário mudou nos últimos dois anos e o investidor brasileiro tem buscado ativos que possibilitem o au- mento da rentabilidade de suas aplicações. A B3 atua, entre outras frentes, na criação e administração de sistemas de ne- gociação, compensação, liquidação, depósito e registro para todas as principais classes de ativos. Santana assinala, ainda, que o mercado acionário não é fre- quentado apenas por investidores pessoa física, mas também por estrangeiros e institucionais. Esses fundos têm visão já consolidada de longo prazo para o retorno do dinheiro aplica- do e critérios rigorosos na análise das companhias com papéis listados no mercado. Sobre a multiplicidade de empresas que povoam o mercado de ações, o diretor da B3 considera que “é saudável ter vários setores representados na bolsa, o que abre o leque de opções ao alcance do investidor, além de permitir melhor distribuição na composição de carteiras de investimento”. Rogério Santana destaca, por fim, a importância da educação e o uso de ferramentas, que dão suporte para a melhor tomada de decisão, sobretudo voltadas ao investidor recém-chegado.  Rogério Santana diretor de Relacionamento com Clientes da B3 Director of Customer Relations at B3 © Divulgação B3