Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2020

135 2020 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook Commitment to mobility T hinking about mobility in a systemic way, especially in large urban centers, is the subject that occupies the players in the automotive chain. Aware of this, the resales network is part of the effort, integrating forms of transport. Alarico Assumpção Júnior, president of the National Motor Vehicle Distribution Federation (Fenabrave), says, “All forms of mobility are valid, and dealerships should also act on new fronts to serve the various consumer profiles. Those who share vehicles or work with apps will need to do even more rigorous maintenance, given the wear and tear caused by this kind of use.” He envisions such a mobility service center, explaining: “Our capillarity, since we have dealerships in more than 1,100 municipalities, allows us to support all the mobility service options throughout Brazil.” Fenabrave represents 51 vehicle brands – cars, light commercial vehicles, trucks, buses, road implements, motorcycles, tractors and agricultural machinery. Dealerships forecast market growth of 9.6% in 2020. Junior Assumpção stresses that, in addition to lower interest rates and more access to credit offered by financial institutions, a fall in defaults, GDP above 2% in 2020 and increased confidence among consumers and investors make up an exciting scenario for the automotive sector as a whole. Alarico Assumpção adds that there is also confidence in the gradual resumption of job growth and reform. The historical proximity between dealerships and car rental companies remains unchanged, a partnership that includes service workshops. “Regardless of new mobility alternatives, the partnership holds, including compliance with the rules for the resale of vehicles acquired by direct sales,” he says. At the other end, he says dealers are the main partners for automakers, and vice versa. “It is a kind of symbiotic alliance that makes the distribution channel responsible for the concept customers will have of the brand,” he concludes.   The sector expects to grow by 9.6%with more attractive interest rates and a fall in defaults dos juros mais convidativos e maior oferta de crédito pelas instituições financeiras, a queda na inadimplência, expectativa do PIB acima de 2% em 2020 e a confiança ampliada por parte dos consumidores e investidores compõem o cenário animador para o setor automotivo como um todo. Ainda apoiado nos bons presságios para a ati- vidade econômica, Alarico Assumpção relaciona a confiança na retomada gradativa dos empregos e aprovação de reformas ainda pendentes. A proximidade histórica entre as concessioná- rias e as locadoras de veículos se mantém inalte- rada, parceria que inclui, conforme o dirigente da entidade, a realização de serviços de oficina. “In- dependente de novas alternativas de mobilidade, a parceria tende a se manter, assim como o cum- primento das regras para a revenda dos veículos, adquiridos por vendas diretas”, assinala ele. Na outra ponta, lembra que as concessioná- rias são as principais parceiras das montadoras e vice-versa. “Uma espécie de aliança umbilical que faz do canal de distribuição o responsável pelo conceito que o cliente terá da marca”.  Alarico Assumpção Júnior Presidente da FENABRAVE / President of FENABRAVE 18 © Divulgação