Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2020

17 2020 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook Essa publicação têm o aval e a assinatura do SERPRO (maior empresa pública de tecnologia da informação do mundo), à qual a ABLA novamente agradece pelo excelente trabalho, atendimento e apoio. This publication is endorsed by SERPRO (the largest public information technology company in the world), which ABLA again thanks for its excellent work, service and support. General considerations Statistics on the total fleet and license plate registrations by rental companies are presented in this publication in detail by region, state, manufacturer and vehicle sub-segment. These are the statistics that refer exclusively to the rental companies whose activity records, in the Ministry of Finance, fall under CNAE 7711-0 / 00 (rental of vehicles without a driver) and CNAE 4923-0 / 02 (rental of vehicles with a driver).These are called “pure rental companies” - that is, those that act only operate rentals, registered at the revenue authority, of a fleet registered at the appropriate transit bodies and with primary CNAE 7711-0/00 or 4923 -0/02. This Yearbook has collected statistics from companies that are involved in other activities. This survey helps demonstrate the true size of the vehicle rental market in Brazil. It includes companies in civil construction, public services, cargo or people transport, and building security companies, among others. The Yearbook presents statistics referring to the fleets of companies that, although they are not “pure rental companies”, also have CNAE registration and can rent vehicles, showing the true size of the rental market in Brazil. Licensed fleet and fleet in circulation This Yearbook also publishes statistics on the fleet exclusively according to the Federal Unit (State) in which the vehicles were registered - official DENATRAN records, consulted by SERPRO - regardless of the states in which the vehicles were in circulation and / or were being driven by fleet outsourcing clients. Turnover and Taxes In 2019, the methodology for calculating total revenues and taxes in the sector was maintained as in 2018. There are numbers that are not directly comparable with previous years, such as taxes now calculated using the average between real profit and presumed profit on revenue. This methodology was audited and will be also be applied in future editions. Outsourcing and Daily Rentals The statistics - total outsourcing and daily rental figures - are based on an ABLA survey, using sampling, of members, using these results in conjunction with the data available at publicly traded companies in the segment. Number of car rental companies The number of car rental companies has RAIS (Annual Social Information List) as its new source and no longer SERPRO. The total of rental companies from previous years was also adjusted according to RAIS.