Anuario Brasileiro do Cobre | Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2020

Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2020 21 SINDICEL: new perspectives T he copper sector is expecting a recovery of the economy in the country and, consequently, the growth of the industry. And it is also in this context that the president of the Electrical Conductors Industry Union, Non-Ferrous Metals Drawing of the State of São Paulo - SINDICEL, Carlos Alberto Cordeiro, assumes his third term in charge of the entity. In this interview, Cordeiro describes the challenges of Sindicel and his view on political and economic developments. You took on the third term of an important segment of the sector copper, Sindicel. What are the projects for this new management? The industry demand is always to equalize equal opportunities among our associates. This is our focus. There is, not only in our sector, unfair practices to free trade, to free competition. There is a habit of making nonconforming material in the copper industry. Our product is a safety item, which has a compulsory approval. The industry needs to take more effective action in this regard. This remains our main goal in this new management cycle.We took several actions in this regard and associates ask us to continue the work. Unfortunately, there is the need to monitor these nonconforming products and try to eradicate them. We are taking steps in this direction. We went to the Public Ministry office and made over 600 complaints. We waited, and by the end of my second term, we began to notice the practical effects. This is a very serious matter as we are dealing with responsibility and safety. What are the other obstacles faced by the sector? Standards for installations must be created to apply the right gauge conductors for a given power. This does not yet exist in Brazil and we want to implement it, because the poor installation of conductors, for example in heaters or air conditioners, can set a house on fire. Through FIESP and CREA, we are working to create a standard for these issues. The Programa Casa Segura (Safe House Program) is an ally in this regard. Another demand we have is regarding importation, which often do not meet Brazilian standards. So, unfortunately, this gets in the way of all the work we’re doing against nonconforming materials. Through SINDICEL, we are committed to lowering Carlos Alberto Cordeiro , president of Sindicel