Anuario Brasileiro do Cobre | Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2020

Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2020 39 gitais, técnicas de programação e análise de dados. Além disso, também é necessário de- senvolver as competências socioemocionais, para que todos tenham cada vez mais capaci- dade de liderança e comunicação. 3. A adaptação para a Indústria 4.0 deve co- meçar por tecnologias já disponíveis e de baixo custo O uso de sensores e de tecnologias, como “in- ternet das coisas”, computação em nuvem e big data , é exemplo do que já existe no merca- do e que pode ser utilizado na implantação da Indústria 4.0. Isso contribui para que os gesto- res compreendam melhor o que ocorre durante o processo produtivo. Inteligência artificial também é uma ferramenta útil, pois pode prever problemas, como quebra de equipamentos, e ainda planejar manuten- ções preventivas. Tudo isso contribui para au- mentar a disponibilidade de recursos essen- ciais e a produtividade das empresas. 4. Investir em pesquisa, desenvolvimento e inovação A inovação é fundamental para as empresas se manterem competitivas. Produtos inteligentes e conectados têm propriedade de impactar o mercado internacional. Uma das formas mais prósperas de negócios é unir a estabilidade das grandes indústrias à criati- vidade das startups de base tecnológica. A trans- formação das empresas para a Quarta Revolução Industrial (Indústria 4.0) deve ser feita gradativa- mente. Estes passos indicados pelo SENAI são uma boa referência para iniciar o processo. Industry 4.0: How to adapt to it ? 1. Leaning production processes Before inserting digitalization and other technologies from the Industry 4.0, companies must adopt methods as lean manufacturing, energy efficiency and cleaner production. Therefore, industries can recognize their shortcomings and seize the improvement opportunities. 2. Requalification of workers and managers Employees involved in the industries must be requalified to this new demand. Being the ones responsible for the technological upgrade, workers must have knowledge about the new digital technologies, programming techniques and data analysis. In addition, it is necessary to develop the socioemotional skills, so they can have more and more leadership and communication skills. 3. Adaptation for Industry 4.0 must start by already available and low cost technologies The use of sensors and technologies, as “internet of things”, cloud computing and big data, is an example of what already exists in the market and that can be used in Industry 4.0 implementation. This helps managers to better understand what happens during the production process. Artificial Intelligence is also an useful tool, because it can prevent problems, such as breakage of equipment, and even plan predictive maintenances. This helps to increase the availability of essential resources and the companies productivity. 4. Investment in research, development and innovation Innovation is important to companies in order to remain competitive. Intelligent and connected products have the capacity to affect the international market. One of the most successful business paths is to unite the stability of the big industries to the creativity of technology based startups. Companies switch to the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) should be gradually done. These steps referred by SENAI are a good reference to start the process. Despite being a challenge, this is an opportunity to increase production efficiency and to cause positive impacts in the country’s development I In an environment more and more automated and fast, companies need to undergo changes to keep themselves competitive in the market. For this reason, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (Industry 4.0) presents itself with new challenges. The Industry 4.0 Guide, released by SENAI, is a guiding material to companies in their adaptation to this new scenario. It provides four fundamental steps to the transition to Industry 4.0 . Fonte: Senai Source: Senai