Anuario Brasileiro do Cobre | Brazilian Copper Yearbook 2020

2020 Anuário Brasileiro do Cobre Brazilian Copper Yearbook 52 Trends & opportunities C lean energy and electromobility were the remain at the agenda of great global discussions. During COP 24, countries approved a plan to implement the Paris Agreement. In the United States and the European Union there have been initiatives and investments aimed at the deployment and use of cleaner and more efficient energy. By reading this scenario, Sustainable Copper posted on its website the top three trends for the copper industry. 1. Growth of electric SUVs Electric cars have evolved in the market. Not long ago, they were mostly small. However, manufacturers are looking to increase their marketing niche by producing family-friendly vehicles. This trend began with the introduction of the new Tesla Model X and, currently, brands such as BMW, Audi and Volvo have also created larger options and announced the launch of at least four new electric SUVs. With the introduction of larger cars, the demand for copper will increase as the battery is proportional to the size of the vehicle. Electric SUVs require a maximum of 100 kg of copper (220.5 pounds) per car. This trend in the copper industry is expected to represent $ 172 billion by 2023, as electricity-powered fleet production will lead to an estimated increase of over 600,000 tons of copper. To increase the production of electric cars, the government’s regulatory collaboration and the contribution of public resources are fundamental. Chile, for example, continues to invest in the development of the copper chain and electric vehicles. China, in turn, ensures that it remains a leader in energy-saving technology and sustainable vehicles through government measures regulated by the National People’s Congress. According to Bloomberg New Energy Finance, in 2017, 99% of the world’s running electric buses were in China, which adds every five weeks another 9,500 new vehicles - which, according to the report, corresponds to the entire fleet of the city of London. The electric SUVs are earning increasing space with the tripod ofpublic-private partnerships, government contributions and consumer demand. Developing countries are important markets for the copper industry as they represent one billion new electricity consumers by 2030. NEGÓCIOS BUSINESS