Brazil is calling you Hold your event here braziltour.com/heritage Salvador, Bahia Brazil has everything your event needs for it to be successful. The cities have rst class modern international convention centers and hotels, with around the clock security, top brand shops and restaurants that explore Brazil’s rich culinary diversity as well as exclusive tourist attractions.Whatever your eventmay be, Brazil is its destination. Brasil tiene todo loquenecesitas paraque tuevento seaexitoso. Las ciudades tienenmodernos centros de convenciones internacionales yhoteles dealtonivel, con seguridad24horas al día, tiendas demarcas famosas y restaurantes que exploran la ricadiversidad culinariabrasileña, así como tambiénpresenta atracciones exclusivas para los turistas. Independientementede cuál sea tuevento, Brasil es tudestino.