Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2021

139 2021 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook For a new legal framework T he COVID-19 pandemic surprised the world in early 2020 and the unimaginable happened across the planet: cities closed down and trade, industry, schools, and entire countries were in deep crisis. Only essential activities were allowed to continue to ensure the supply of food and healthcare. This led to an abrupt halt to movement and, consequently, to a sharp reduction in the number of passengers transported, down by around 20% on before the pandemic at the beginning of the quarantine. To comply with health protocols, the offer of transport remained above demand, at first with 75% of the total normal fleet in use. It should be noted that almost every transport system in Brazil is maintained exclusively by the fares charged to passengers. With the fall in demand, revenue was drastically reduced, creating a deficit of around R$ 3.72 billion between the beginning of the pandemic and June 2020. This further increased until the end of the year. The efficiency and quality of public transport was widely appreciated by the population, but the pandemic made problems more evident, requiring solutions, which served as a warning of the need for a thorough review of the service delivery model. There is consensus across the industry that transportation cannot be maintained exclusively by passengers. Public transport is fundamental to a city’s operating dynamics and therefore should receive more infrastructure investment and support from non-fare resources. We have to discuss, for example, who should pay for discounts for students and free transport for the elderly and other beneficiaries. In this difficult year, the ANTP coordinated actions with various entities in the sector, in an attempt to balance contracts, discussing with the Ministry of Economy the reasons a contribution from the Federal Government should be made in the sector. This was approved by Congress (R$ 4 billion), but regrettably vetoed by the President of the Republic. But we continue to act, now looking to the future, and this includes the need to move towards a new legal framework for public transport.. problemas e exigindo soluções, o que serviu de alerta para a necessidade de uma revisão pro- funda no modelo de prestação de serviços. É consenso em todo o setor de que o trans- porte não pode ser mantido exclusivamente pelo passageiro. O transporte público é fundamental para a dinâmica de funcionamento da cidade e que, por isso, deve receber mais investimentos em infraestrutura e ser sustentado também por recursos não tarifários. Há que se discutir, por exemplo, quem deve pagar pelos descontos na tarifa dos estudantes e as gratuidades dos ido- sos e de outros beneficiários. Neste ano difícil, a ANTP coordenou ações junto a várias entidades do setor, na busca de soluções para o reequilíbrio dos contratos, dis- cutindo com o Ministério da Economia as razões para um aporte do Governo Federal no setor, que chegou a ser aprovado no Congresso Nacional (R$ 4 bilhões), matéria lamentavelmente vetada pela Presidência da República. Mas, também continua atuando, agora com um olhar para o fu- turo, o que inclui a necessidade de se caminhar na direção de um novo marco legal para o trans- porte público. Luiz Carlos Néspoli, Superintendente da Ass. Nacional de Transportes Públicos (ANTP) Head of the National Public Transport Association (ANTP). © Civulgação ANTP