Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos | 2022

117 2022 Anuário Brasileiro do Setor de Locação de Veículos Brazilian Vehicle Rental Sector Yearbook In addition to partnerships to offer better commercial conditions for rental companies, the association will help more members get into the digital universe até o acesso a recursos de última geração que, cada vez mais locadoras, precisam para o seu dia-a-dia. Para 2022 o plano é implantar novos serviços, com benefícios ainda mais efetivos, “consolidando a entidade como referência e ponto de apoio”, ressalta a gerente administrativa Francine Evelyn. Ela lembra que, mesmo com os efeitos da pandemia, a ABLA administrou as dificuldades de pagamentos de mensalidade de parte das locadoras associadas e trabalhou com a adequação do quadro interno de colaboradores, “sem nenhum tipo de prejuízo ao associado”, lembra. “Ao contrário, cumprimos com todas as entregas pontualmente”. Somadas às frentes de negociação para parcerias comerciais, com ampla gama de fornecedores que garantem diferenciais competitivos para as locadoras, a ABLA também já presta serviços relacionados à documentação, apoio jurídico e acompanhamento da legislação do setor, em conjunto com os SINDLOCS e com a FENALOC. Além disso, é a ABLA que norteia as locadoras associadas com efetiva troca de informações: eventos, canais de comunicação (Portal, Anuário ABLA, revista bimestral, redes sociais e WhatsApp). Agora, ao investir numa matriz tecnológica e utilizar a capilaridade no território nacional para difundir o projeto, a associação das locadoras ganha uma dimensão que vai além do caráter institucional: caminha para ser a principal provedora de soluções para a atividade da locação de veículos em toda a sua dimensão. With technological support, ABLA will boost member benefits The services and products offered by ABLA to its members have been expanded and the benefits offered – operational, financial, legal, commercial, and administrative, among others – have been enhanced. This mainly impacts small and medium-sized companies. The commitment to the needs of rental and leasing companies now involves the development of customized technology. ABLA Negócios has been created to develop management and decision-making tools for companies. Above all, ABLA is committed to getting members, especially the smaller ones, into the technological environment, improving the professional operation of the business. This ranges from supporting the design of a company’s website, to accessing state-of-the-art resources that rental and leasing companies need. For 2022 the plan is to implement new services, with more effective benefits, “Consolidating the entity as a reference and point of support,” says administrative manager, Francine Evelyn. She says that, even with the effects of the pandemic, ABLA managed the challenges in monthly payments experienced by member companies and handled staffing without any problems for members. “We fulfilled all our responsibilities,” she adds. As well as commercial partnerships, with a wide range of suppliers that guarantee competitive differentials for rental and leasing companies, ABLA provides services related to documentation, legal support, and the monitoring of relevant legislation with SINDLOCS and FENALOC. ABLA also offers member companies information on events and offers communication channels (the website, ABLA Yearbook, a bimonthly magazine, social media, and WhatsApp). Now, by investing in technology and using its national reach, it offers more than institutional services and is becoming the main provider of solutions for car rental and leasing companies.