Anuario ABLA - 2014

17 Anuário Yearbook ABLA 2014 Our business partners can build closer relationshipswith decisionmakers.Muchmore thanmerelydisplayingproducts and services, theABLA strengthens networkingamong rental and leasing companies and the best suppliers, precisely becausewework so as to never be just a shopwindow. ABLA’smembersareprovensuppliersofqualityproducts andservices. Theyarecompanieswith thestructure toserve our national scale and alsowith efficient and effective after sales services, among other features. We understand that to do businesswith a select audience, such as that formed by rental and leasing companieswhoaremembersofABLA, we also need select partners. These are the ones that ABLA offers a great opportunity to show at once the entire sector the real benefits their products and services represent. It is in this way possible to add value to the brand and increase recall among the professionals in our industry, reaching a target audience made up of real opinion formers. With reference to after-sales, it is worth noting that automakers also need to enhance services they offer to members of the ABLA, whether through the provision of manpower for guaranteed services, correctivemaintenance or spare parts. This is the time to drum up new business, to strengthen partnerships and position your brand, providing services and selling products that truly help in the development of small, medium and large companies in the leasing and rental sector. Count on us. A two-way street JoãoClaudioBourg PresidenteExecutivo/CEO In 2013, the car rental and leasing sector turned over more than R$ 6.52 billion, up by 4.73% on 2012. The sector is responsible for the purchase of approximately 8.35% of the vehicles in the Brazilian automotive industry and it transported 21.7million users in the year. It is, therefore, clear thatcar rentaland leasingcompanies operating in Brazil provide an excellent business opportunity for partners, sponsors and supporters who have made the smart decision to work with ABLA, creating direct benefits for our associates.