Anuario ABLA - 2015

93 Quanto às parcerias, ele informa que de um modo geral elas ocorrem sem grandes distinções nas diferentes regiões do país, “mas o diálogo atualmente tem sido mais intensificado junto às agências de viagens corporativas, por iniciativa das próprias locadoras, embora haja no segmento de lazer amplo mercado para o segmento”. O mercado tem grande potencialidade. Para transformá-la em realidade, basta ampliar o conhecimento do produto e a qualificação do pessoal, recomenda Azevedo. Ele acrescenta que é necessário “planejamento e execução de investimentos coordenados em atividades de treinamento, capacitação e ações promocionais direcionadas aos agentes de viagens, assim como na padronização dos processos operacionais e comerciais. Conhecendo bem o produto, o agente de viagens ganha mais poder de argumentação e amplia as chances de concretizar a venda”, sugere. Da mesma forma, as perspectivas do negócio são boas. “Com a tendência cada vez maior de o agente de viagens exercer seu papel como consultor de viagem, e não apenas intermediador na venda de produtos e serviços, entendemos que haverá naturalmente uma aproximação maior e mais sinergia entre as locadoras e a rede de agenciamento e operações de viagens e turismo como um todo”, observa o presidente. A successful business partnership is being built between travel agencies and car rental companies, providing benefits for both parties, as well as for clients. The partnership also exists in the selling packages for tourists, with a lot of agencies offering clients an opportunity to include a vehicle. “Travel agencies promote car rental, offering customized services to meet travelers’ needs,” says Antonio João Monteiro de Azevedo, president of the Brazilian Travel Agency Association (ABAV). The business is expanding and working well for those who are involved in it. “Rental is very important to increased profitability for travel agents because rental companies are better understanding the importance of the agency network and the tourism business to new business,” says Azevedo. The rental companies pay agencies commission. The agencies are responsible for promoting the service, with part of the demand coming from the corporate travel market. Acevedo says the business also creates a differential for clients, who sometimes do not realize the value added by including car rental on their trips. It can make executive travel easier, saving time and money, and is also option for those traveling with their family, for leisure, even from the point of view of safety and mobility. In detailing the benefits, Azevedo stresses that the travel agencies gain revenue by adding another service and adding value to the service they provide by offering options to ensure them of the best costs and benefits. The clients gain in added value and convenience, when the product matches their needs. More choice certainly boosts consumption, he says. The partnerships, says Azevedo, are generally the same across Brazil, but corporate travel agents are most interested, although there is a large leisure market. There is great potential. To realize it, the product has to be promoted and staff have t be trained, says Azevedo, adding. “Planning and investments in training and promotional activities focused on travel agents are required, as is standardization of operational and business processes. Knowledge of the product makes travel agents better able to sell it and increases the chances of making sales,” he says. Similarly, the prospects for the business are good.” With the increasing trend for travel agents to operate as travel consultants, and not only intermediaries in the sale of products and services, we believe there will be a natural improvement in relationships and synergy between the car rental and travel agencies overall,” Azevedo concludes. A business that is doing nicely Travel agencies have increased profitability by renting vehicles for tourism and business, generating added value for their clients