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como o alto valor da mão de obra, são alguns dos desafios que o setor de

locação e os nossos parceiros terão de enfrentar.

Há uma série de obstáculos causados principalmente pelas constantes

mudanças de regras de um governo federal bipolar, que influencia na renova-

ção dos nossos ativos, nos recursos necessários para um aumento mais sig-

nificativo da frota e na execução dos nossos planejamentos de investimentos.

No momento atual, ainda parece distante a implantação de uma polí-

tica automotiva que realmente proporcione melhores condições para que

as montadoras invistam em inovação e produzam modelos mais baratos.

O país precisa de um regime automotivo que tenha o objetivo de dar um

novo impulso à indústria automobilística, que afinal é uma das maiores do

mundo, gera aproximadamente 20% da produção industrial e que tem nas

locadoras de veículos os seus maiores clientes no Brasil. As locadoras,

vale lembrar, também são as maiores “fabricantes” de veículos usados e

seminovos do País.

É verdade que teremos tempos difíceis pela frente, mas não deve-

mos “jogar a toalha”. Precisaremos de uma dedicação mais próxima das

montadoras junto ao nosso setor e de planejamentos estratégicos ainda

mais cuidadosos nas locadoras. Ao mesmo tempo, temos demonstrado

maturidade suficiente para gerar oportunidades, inclusive em meio aos

mais complicados períodos de crise. Tenho certeza que desta vez não

será diferente!

Paulo Nemer

Presidente do Conselho Nacional da ABLA.

President of the National Council at ABLA

This edition of the ABLA Yearbook marks the beginning of a

new series of information on the vehicle leasing and rental sector

in Brazil. For the first time, the numbers and statistics that you will

see in the following pages are the result of the consolidation and,

furthermore, cross-referencing of new information that the sector now

has unprecedented, detailed access to.

Through the enhanced technology available making access to

accurate information easier and faster, added to the interest public and

private bodies have in being more transparent, ABLA has cross-referenced

data and figures obtained from the automakers, regional directors, and

representative association (Sindlocs), the facts and figures from the

Treasury Departments, the National Transportation Confederation, the

Boards of Trade, Fenabrave, ANFAVEA and also Denatran.

The result of this extensive and more complex investigation

and compilation has allowed us to adjust figures on the size of the

fleet, cross-referencing vehicle licenses with the figures provided

by the automakers, total sales for the sector, market share held

by automakers and, also, the number of active rental and leasing

companies, based on their tax numbers.

Given these innovations and improvements, it is not be possible

to compare the results from 2014 with those from previous years.

If we were to use only the same sources, cross-references and

consolidations adopted until last year, we would see a 3.15% increase

in revenue in 2014.

However, and this must be stressed, this is a new series, starting

off on the right foot. In 2014, our industry bought 12.45% of the light

and commercial vehicles produced and supplied by automakers.

Together, the more than 5,600 rental and leasing companies held

a fleet of more than 770,000 units .And annual turnover was a

significant R$ 14.7 billion last year.

These are impressive figures, which add to our responsibility.

Going forward, we need to push even harder, especially because the

Brazilian economy is facing a tough 2015.

We face challenges in relation to interest rates, the fall in the

volume of infrastructure projects, and the poor results of the growth

acceleration programs - which either were never implemented or were

not on the scale promised by the Federal Government.

Furthermore, in 2015 excise tax (IPI) returned on vehicle

purchases, automakers are finding it hard to establish competitive

prices, and energy and fuel costs have directly impacted companies

in our industry. The impact of high tax, added to the cost of capital

borne by vehicle production, as well as high labor costs, are some

of the challenges that the rental and leasing sector and our partners

will face.

There are a number of obstacles, mainly caused by the changing

rules set in place by the Federal Government, which influence the

renewal of our assets, the resources required for a more significant

increase in the fleet and the implementation of our investment plans.

At the moment, an automotive policy that actually provides a better

conditions for automakers to invest in innovation and produce cheaper

models seems far off.The country needs an automotive policy to give

new impetus to the industry which, after all, is one of the world’s

largest, generating about 20% of industrial production in Brazil and

whose largest customers are vehicle rental and leasing companies.

It is true that we will have tough times ahead, but we should

not throw in the towel. We will need to work more closely with

automakers and plan strategically with even greater attention at the

agencies. At the same time, we have shown sufficient maturity to

create opportunities, even in the most complicated periods of crisis. I

am sure this time it will be no different!

Reality in numbers